Saturday, 15 December 2012

The TMD Writer Contest

At the beginning of November I submitted a brief bio to one of my favourite blogs, the Mommy Dialogues. I have been reading and following this group of women for many months now and find their writing to be educational. humorous, insightful and comforting. It has been a place I turn to daily to be reminded that I am not alone on this crazy journey. I love blogging here on my own and would love even more to find time to be creative with my writing and finish my long poem (there is a contest in February, maybe the stars will align and I will magically finish it before then). But I love the idea of joining a group of women and adding my unique voice to their already stellar set of writers.

I was so thrilled when I found out that I had made the top 15 at the beginning of December. All that was left was to write a story. And it was very open ended in that way. I could of submitted a poem, and I considered that route, or I could have written about one of my many recent experiences here in California with a wild toddler. Instead, I decided to write about myself. About this journey I seem to wandering down as that is always the source of my inspiration in all of my writing outlets. In just 800 words, I tried to reveal where I started as a mother and where I am headed. It wasn't easy but I feel I managed enough of an image to connect with people at large. You can read this story here:

Now, we have moved into the voting stage. Most of the writing contests I have been in were based off an entry you submit and a panel of chosen judges who then decide on the winner(s). This is different for me. Although I'm not entirely sure I enjoy the popularity aspect of this voting process, it is not my decision to make and therefore I am at the mercy of voters like you. I feel like Obama. No, I will not begin slander campaigns. But I will ask you to show your love and support for me and my desires to continue writing by going here: and voting for me once a day until December 27th. It takes a second and could change the course of my life over the next years.

Show some holiday spirit and spread the love my way with the click of your finger!

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